Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Started Last Friday in LA!!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's Been a Very....

.....long time since I've posted here, things have been busy, so the Blog has been neglected. Still here, so look soon for some new and exciting content, as always. See you soon!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Now that Mickeys has "Collectors Cans" we can both get drunk, on quality grade A booze, and start a new hobby! I say start a NEW hobby, because this would be in addition to the already existing drinking hobby. Start collecting kids!! WooHooo!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Old Knife in the skull

Drank some Old German beer last night, woke up this morning and it felt like I had been drinking something that should've had a more fitting name, like "Old Mugging", "Old Hangover', or "Old Knife in the Skull." Don't get me wrong, this stuff was great going down, well maybe not great but ok, or different, definitely drinkable.... But the next day, watch out. Prepare yourself if you ever come across this stuff, it goes down pretty smooth, but that knife that is sunk deep, deep into your skull the next morning is, well, unpleasant and pretty hard to remove.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

9pm Lunch

I started today working the "swing shift" at my work, 3pm-12am, and am trying to figure out if this is a good this or not.... My lunch break will now be taken anywhere between 8-9pm, and I will get home from work when most people are sleeping or going to sleep in preparation for their upcoming work week. So I've laid out a little 5-point positive and negative list for myself, or others that may have a similar schedule.

1. Chance of being mugged when getting off work goes up 10-fold
2. Bye bye happy hour specials
3. Half of my friday night down the drain
4. I get to work when my east coast compadres are getting off
5. Taking my lunch break in the nearby park now involves carrying a large knife

1. Not waking up at 8 am or even 1 am for work every day
2. I can drive much faster home from work at this hour of the day
3. I am a much more productive person at night....
4. Watching hours and hours of Star Trek for work is significantly less depressing at night
5. Later bed time,.... But maybe this should be on the Negative list